Museums: Star Wars Exhibits

After Dark: Star Wars

The Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh regularly offers 21+ events with pop culture themes that add to the educational and entertainment value of visiting the museum.

The Fans Strike Back

The largest European collection of Star Wars memorabilia was transformed into a traveling exhibit in 2017 and has been featured in Madrid, Paris, Budapest, Las Vegas and New York.

Star Wars Identities

The traveling exhibit launched in 2012 and examined the influences that shaped the identities of Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker, as well as others within the Star Wars Universe.

Star Wars: The Magic of Myth

The traveling exhibit examined the original Star Wars trilogy of George Lucas as a modern day myth that borrowed from myths of the past while adding influences from the present as well.

Star Wars: The Power of Costume

The travelling exhibit premiered in 2015, featuring original costumes and designs from both the original trilogy and prequels while highlighting their overall importance within Star Wars.

Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination

The Museum of Science in Boston designed a traveling exhibit in 2005 in order to make science more accessible by exploring the technological advancements of a galaxy far, far away.